Top 10 Enterprise Chatbot Solutions For AI And Enterprise Management

September 28, 2017 | 608 Views |
Chatbots are proving to be valuable tools for enterprise activities, and those involved with enterprise management are typically used for two reasons: to help employees better interact with enterprise systems, and to streamline business-to-business (B2B) activities.
Enterprise chatbot solutions with AI can help you automate interactions with vendors and suppliers. They can also help automate various internal processes, give your employees valuable insights, and empower your teams, giving them the chance to focus on more productive and revenue-generating activities, rather than mundane repetitive ones.
If you believe that implementing a chatbot into your internal and B2B processes will help you become more productive and successful, there are a number of enterprise chatbot-building platforms now available to explore. Here are the top 10 chatbots for enterprise management:
1- ChattyPeople
ChattyPeople is the best enterprise chatbot solution platform, as it allows you to create a bot with artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), without having any coding knowledge. ChattyPeople is the perfect platform for businesses, big and small.
Its NLP allows you to automate your interactions with your employees, partners, and end customers. With it, you can implement your chatbot into your Facebook and Shopify pages, allowing you to monetize your social media channels while gathering valuable data from one powerful dashboard.
The best part is ChattyPeople only charges as your company grows, meaning you can start with a free plan and upgrade to an advanced one once you see the results. Through ChattyPeople, you can create a bot that acts as an integral part of your marketing, sales, customer care, internal, and B2B processes. You’ll be able to generate more leads, drive sales, automate various internal processes, and create a frictionless customer support experience for your audience.
2- Inbenta
Inbenta allows you to create a customized chatbot that can be continuously optimized and doesn’t require any maintenance from your teams. Inbenta uses NLP, giving its chatbots the ability to understand human grammar and syntax, as well as break down language into lexical functions for a better understanding of user questions.
In addition to being equipped with a real-time analytics solution, Inbenta offers an easy to navigate dashboard that’s able to:
  • Track project progress
  • Maintain and adapt its knowledge base
  • Process various support tickets
3- Interactions
Interactions is among the top customer care chatbot-building platforms in today’s market. The company uses its patented Adaptive Understanding technology, which offers a new level of intelligence to its chatbots; this means customers can type in queries using their own words and they’ll receive a quick, effective response.
Interactions’ chatbot solutions can help you save money, generate a fast return on investment (ROI), and increase sales by freeing up your top agents to spend more of their time on productive, money-making activities. You’ll benefit from a higher level of customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.
4- IPsoft
IPsoft’s Amelia is advertised as “the most human AI’ platform on the market. Amelia isn’t just a digital employee; she’s the face of a complete digital workforce that can connect your organization’s data and channels to make you more efficient and productive.
Amelia is an enterprise chatbot-building platform that can add value to your business by using AI to reduce expenses, drive sales, engage customers, as well as generate performance analytics to suggest opportunities for improvement.
5- Nanorep
Nanorep offers awesome customer care chatbots that give users a self-service experience in their favorite messaging applications. These chatbots are able to track and analyze interactions to pinpoint areas for improvements and identify knowledge gaps.
In addition, one of the company’s more impressive services is its agent self-service feature. Instead of simply offering companies the chance to implement customer care chatbots into their strategies, they also integrate seamlessly with almost all CRM systems.
With this knowledge management solution, you can:
  • Reduce average handle time
  • Increase first call resolution
  • Decrease training time
  • Improve your bottom line
6- Next IT
Next IT is one of the most experienced providers of AI-powered chatbots in the industry today. The company offers customer care and enterprise chatbots with the aim of helping businesses streamline their processes and build long lasting and loyal relationship with their audiences.
Next IT has the expertise and experience to work with clients in a variety of industries, and the company’s AI services have the ability to:
  • Boost employee productivity
  • Attract customers
  • Drive down internal costs
  • Offer a seamless end-to-end user experience
  • Offer fast access to tools to make teams more efficient
7- Nuance
Nuance is the driving force behind Nina, an enterprise customer support chatbot. Nina is designed to have human-like interactions with both consumers and teams, allowing companies to automate some of their business processes. Nina works on various devices and channels, and can also be voice-activated.
Aside from her ability to offer personalized conversations, Nina is designed individually for each brand Nuance works with, meaning she is able to reflect a specific image and tone that will further strengthen your identity. All conversations Nina has can be analyzed to offer real-time insights, allowing her to become smarter with every interaction.
8- allows you to automate conversations with your consumers on a huge variety of messaging applications, some of which include WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Kik, Twitter, and more. is enterprise-ready and offers:
  • Enterprise SLA
  • Dedicated support
  • Advanced reporting
  • Internationalization
  • Role-based access control
  • Team management across multiple organization branches
In addition to offering personalized chatbots to companies, has pre-made chatbots that are ready for immediate use in smaller startup businesses. All these bots use NLP and can be launched in various different languages, depending on your business needs.
9- Parlo
Parlo offers workforces enterprise chatbots that use AI and NLP to automate repetitive and mundane day-to-day business tasks, saving you money and time. As a result, your teams will be able to focus on the work that’s most important and beneficial to your organization.
With Parlo, you can create an enterprise-ready chatbot without any coding or programming knowledge that can:
  • Publish content
  • Take orders
  • Offer personalized promotions
  • Provide 24/7 customer support
10- Botfuel
Botfuel leverages the power of AI to create chatbots for companies that allow them to communicate through their favorite messaging applications. One of the platform’s most lucrative services is its ability to handle your bot’s lifecycle for you, giving you back time to focus your efforts on other aspects of your business.
Botfuel’s enterprise-grade chatbots can be connected to any messaging platform. They learn with every interaction they have and are aware of various conversation contexts, making them able to handle more complex interactions. Botfuel supports multiple European languages and comes with its own analytics platform, allowing you to keep track of your chatbot’s progress.
Cognitive technologies are continuously growing, allowing companies to create more meaningful conversational interfaces that are proving to be effective chatbot tools for automating internal and B2B processes. By using one of the chatbot-building tools outlined above, you’ll empower your teams, giving them back time to focus on revenue-generating activities, ultimately leading your business to success.


Monica MS said…
Awesome post! A very good step-by-step guide especially for a beginner like me. It’s overwhelming with information, thank you for making it easy and very detailed.. I’ll pop some questions here, if I need help, hope that’s okay.
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Nash Mathew said…
Now that we have chatbot solutions, we have to think about the importance and relevance of these chatbot metrics. Here’s an article to help you get started-
Shabana Sheikh said…
Awesome article, it was exceptionally helpful! I simply began in this and I'm becoming more acquainted with it better! Cheers, keep doing awesome! Chatbot for beginners

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