Downtown clown (for Bluebell Books Twitter Club short story slam week 27)

City nights, luminescence of the Square
Aromas dance into our eyeballs fair
The pedal cabs rocket across the ground
Echos rip with tourist sounds

Broadway gleams the craft in time
Branches in rebirth spread difference sublime
Sunset long gone, pitch cradles our flesh
Warmed of knowledge as worlds mesh


Anonymous said…
lovely word combinations.
Anonymous said…
every line counts.

brilliant job.
Anonymous said…
love the last line.
sound, smells, and locations, they inspire us to write.
Paulog30 said…
Thank you everyone!!
Anonymous said…
lyrical!!! lovely :)
Elizena said…
I loved it! It felt warm and like life was being renewed before my eyes. I felt like I could see someone sitting on a bench on some busy street watching life going on and feeling the warmth of every one of God's creations. I really enjoyed reading this. Have a blessed week!
Paulog30 said…
Thanks hun, glad I could put a positive image in your mind, :).

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