Rant about the state of our country!

Soon its time for my meaningless job, well meaningful only because its the only thing allowing me to survive in certain ways. The country and Government, want us to believe in the unity of work. It brings us together, it keeps us active (physically and mentally), it proves our worth among a sea of people. However, this is all a farce. We work to allow the big shots, behind closed doors and open ones, to fill their pockets and gain power. Each time someone is hired, there goes another pawn to use for the procurement of money and power. We end up as slaves lashed by the whip, yet, there is nothing we can do. Of course, this is the same in every coporate entity. We need the meager paychecks, the cheap fast food that kills slowly, the clothes to fit in with everyone else, what a bunch of bullshit, but needed. Life is not about the home, family, the American way. Life is about greed, backhanded deals, double-crossing others, and hiding behind masks, hidden from the sight of the enlightened. Society knows no other way, or is it that they choose not to step outside the box of complacency! Wake up people! We need another Gandhi to rally the world and make it understand that the Gov't and Corporations are not there for us, but we are there for them to live on, we call the shots, for this was what the rules of this country stood for! This is our country! Let's make it more tolerable, no, better than it is!

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