Politicians are the Devil, the real Devil!

I am not very big into politics, but I have to say that these Republican candidates are fucking useless like every politician. Just out for themselves and tell you what you want to hear. God-fearing Christain mentality, infidelity, just plain fucked up treatment towards social issues like gay marriage. Although, I do have some respect for Ron Paul, even of he is a republican. He is the only one who does not mix church and state in his opinions, he speaks the truth, things that people want but do not admit. However, he is not getting the support he deserves. What I am observing is that people do not want an honest politician, they are scarred of the truth. We seem to want liars, who promise and do not keep them. What the Fuck is wrong with this picture! This is why I do not vote, it is useless. The corporations will pick the president anyway, this is what it really is about. Sad, but true. Well, I am gonna chill with a fat J and a.beer and watch this country burn like Rome did, now to see who the Caesar will be!


Bodhirose said…
I can't disagree with what you've written here. I too wonder what use it is to vote...our leaders are bought and paid for and then strung up like puppets... You'd think even the powers behind all this would see that they're running us into ruin. Greed...
Paulog30 said…
For sure, but they are the ones with the money and power,.so they call the shots. We need to follow the example of other countries and cause a little disruption with force. I am not really for it, but seems like Governments only respond to violence.

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