Haiku and Pi-ku for haiku challenge-Theme: Think


Aspect of the self
Motor makes the image stand
In cranial hand


So I write
Poem for you


Thank you for visiting my haiku-blog. I am always glad to read your comments. They are sometimes ... so deep and spiritual.
Love this haiku and pi-ku very much. I wasn't familiar with the pi-ku, but the Haiku Challenge introduced me to this new and different style of haiku.
Paulog30 said…
Thank you so much, and your welcome.
Deep Haiku and Pi-ku Paulo..

Someone is Special
Paulog30 said…
Thank you, I enjoyed the pi-ku. I think I may write more pi-ku from no on, thanks for showing the form.
beccagivens said…
Nice combination -- I really like your PiKu ... it was new to me also, and I have readily adopted it for more!!
Paulog30 said…
The piku is awesome, another form.to.adopt for sure!

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