
Hand held darkness broken

Inside hearts beating in sync

And a vision walks slow

Into the being of one

Steps grow on the path

Leading to growth and eventual

Scenes explaining a turn

Towards expansive dreams

The ready residential

Captures strong togetherness

And creation of another

Cements the deal in waves

Explosion saves

Future days

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4


This one leaves me in awe. I am speechless. Thank you for visiting my haiku blog. I am glad that you appreciate my haiku. Haiku is my passion and I am trying to write them in the same Spirit as Basho did.

Paulog30 said…
Thank you so much for such a great comment. I too love the haiku form, I feel it is the hardest to write.
Mark Butkus said…
Your inner peace shines through your words.


Mark Butkus
Paulog30 said…
Thank you Mark!
Elizena said…
This was really good! I too love the haiku form, unfortunately it's not my gifting or talent to work with it. You do wonderfully at it.
This haiku spoke to me of relationships and about always being truthful to each other in said relationship and while relationships aren't always smooth, they can be full of warmth and love as long as truth, trust and forgiveness are always in the mix.
This probably isn't what this is about, but I find it exciting that each and every poem, haiku or story speaks to me in a different way. Be blessed!


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