Middle class struggle

As of late, I have decided to become more informed about how the economy has gotten to the point it is at now, and the foul practices of banks, corporations, and the Gov't assholes who have befouled our country with "free market" bullshit. I was always bored by such things, but now is a good time to become more informed. The country is in decline and there seems to be no way out. I still do not trust politicians, but have read about former presidents like FDR and Lyndon Johnson who created efficent programs to keep the middle class alive, thus keeping the country alive and strong! Watch the Zeitgeist movies for some ideas about what has been taking place since the 80s when old Ronnie boy fucked shit up! I am reading a good book at the moment called, "Screwed: The Undeclared wat against the middle class" by Thom Hartmann. A very excellent book that explains about the past and present economy and how it got so messed up in the first place! As Mr. Hartmann expressed in his book, "the founding fathers would be rolling in there graves!"
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Anonymous said…
If the government would just let the private sector work without punitive taxes and redundant agencies controlling everything and adding to the cost of doing business, things would come back together. What we don’t need is more government agencies.
Paulog30 said…
We need more government agencies that actuqlly want to help the individuals, not their pockets and the pockets of corporate shills!

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