A day in the shelter

I have been working in a homeless shelter for 2 months now, and the clients here are some interesting characters. Forget all the stuff you may see portrayed on television, the real fact is that most of the clients here are habitual drug users, have a mental illness, have come from jail, and yet can be good people with stories to tell.

Today, I had a client speak to me about activities that keep him in a positive mood. One activity was rollerblading, and he really enkoyed performing tricks. He did not know the names, but this was not important as doing the trick itself. Another activity he enjoyed was writing rhymes and creating beats for words. I saw some of his writing and liked what I read. Mostly a record of his life and what kept him down. Unfortunately, he is not able to perform these activities due to a lack of equipment, only the writing.

One thing I have to mention is, many of these clients live in a fantasy world of their own creation, so I take the information with a grain of salt,lol! Of, course, not everyone is lying. The clients at the shelter are human, like us all, and have the same ability for stupid decisions that anyone would have. Well, just another day in the shelter!

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Anonymous said…
So interesting to read this, Paulo. It's sad how many people are floundering in the world. Thanks for sharing this.
Paulog30 said…
You welcome hun. I have more stories to write, I will be putting up another one soon!

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