Visceral love connection (for March Challenge-Horror)

Time for hitting
Streets, fast and slick.
Prepare the tools
And make it quick.

Wander alleys, bars,
Places on fire.
My endless search,
Long, yet I do not tire.

Hair sweet as
Baby' breath.
Silky smooth
Upon my chest.

Glad you came
To this barren place.
Mask of skin
Covers my face.

Party, till the night
comes to close.
Were shall you rest?
Under sheets and throws.

Wake to light shining,
In eyes so empty.
I am so glad that
I kept thee.

But now, we must
Part ways my dear.
For your flesh is
Useless, I fear.

Tonight comes anew,
And back i go.
To find my next love,
This time will be slow.

Written for the March Challenge at
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7


Anonymous said…
Oh! That was annoying. I typed out a profound comment and blogger went crazy. So, let's see....

I like how you put the pub crawl/pick-up as a horror. If only people would see this. Well done.

But it was way more profound when I said it the first time!
Paulog30 said…
hahaha, its cool. Thanks for the comment!
vivinfrance said…
Horrible, but so well written.
Anonymous said…
some horrors dwell amidst us un-noticed !
Strong words !!
Paulog30 said…
thanks, I really enjoy horror based poetry!

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