Haiku for the March Challenge (http://cloakedmonk.com) - Chid's level

This is for my daughter, I yelled pretty badly at her today. She was not listening and was talking back. I snapped and made her cry. It hurts me to do it, but, she is very hyperactive and has a hard time listening. I know that no matter what, she will come hug me and apologize and I do the same to her. I love her very much and she loves me.

The little girl cried,
Because daddy yelled at her.
She hugs him after.

Written for the March Challenge at http://cloakedmonk.com


wow, real and lovely.
Paulog30 said…
yeah, it was therapy for me.
Anonymous said…
I love this, and this is a scene play out between my daughter and myself as well. I think that it is some special when both parents and children are open to apologies and forgiveness!
Paulog30 said…
I hate yelling at her, but, sometimes I cannot stop myself, it so quick! And I always feel bad, I want her to understand why I do it. I could just eat her up,lol.
Anonymous said…
raw and tender emotion ... becca
Paulog30 said…
Very raw,lol! Thanks.
There are a few of those development years when it should be mandatory for parents to be on paxil; but, as it says somewhere, "This too shall pass."
Anonymous said…
Yes, so tender. Someday, you can share this with her. A treasure between father and daughter. And I think yelling (or some other mistake) is inevitable. Perfection is not attainable, only desirable.
Paulog30 said…
I just I don't have a heart attack from it,lol. Yes, I really enjoy writing these poems about her, makes me feel I am giving her something special. I am not very emotional outwardly. My eemotion comes out in my writing more. Today was her picture day at school, hope they came out alright.

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