Haiku for the March Challenge (http://cloakedmonk.com) - childhood

The child swings the
Piece of wood, fighting the foul
And cruel goblin king.

Written for the March Challenge at http://cloakedmonk.com


Anonymous said…
A perfect picture of my son!
Paulog30 said…
Imagination, the key to the other worlds of our creation! Great for poets too,lol!
A universal truth, Paulo. Well stated. Two years ago I was fighting with my grandson with light-sabers. There was a lot of jumping and rolling involved. I jokingly told him we would have to go to Radioshack to get the stuff to make real ones. He still asks me when we are going.
vivinfrance said…
Well observed. Those wonderful moments, where did they go?
Paulog30 said…
@Mike- That would be great! A bit dangerous in the wrong hands, but still an amazing scientific gadget!

@Viv- They are hanging out back in the past with our memories, which teleport to the present!
Anonymous said…
Nothing can surpass the imagination of childhood. Well done, Paulo!
Anonymous said…
Awww... childhood!! The place for ultimate growth of imagination...
Well portrayed, Paulo..
Anonymous said…
Wonderfully imaginative!

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