Haiku for the March Challenge (http://cloakedmonk.com) -Prompt "Read"

And you draw me in
What adventures hold thee, book?
Conscious infection

For the March challenge, prompt-"Read" (http://cloakedmonk.com)


So many wonderful adventures have drawn me in, my gain, immeasurable, my loss, sleep.
vivinfrance said…
Reading is definitely an infection - thank God, one with no cure.
Anonymous said…
Love!!! I can remember reading around the clock as a kid. Now my daughter does the same thing. It is infectious for sure!

Anonymous said…
Reading, my preferred infection. I will not be inoculated! Great haiku.
Paulog30 said…
Thanks all! I am more of a video junkie, but still enjoy reading the occasional poetry book or play, mostly manga for me,lol!
Anonymous said…
It can indeed be contagious - but I do not want to seek a cure!! ~becca~
Paulog30 said…
Haha, indeed Becca!
vivinfrance said…
Please can you educate this old bat: what is manga?
Paulog30 said…
Mangs is japanese graphic novels (comics) with a little more mature aspect to some of them. My favorite is one based on the life of Buddha, with added stuff thrown in.
Paulog30 said…
Paulog30 said…
And no, its not my favorite because of the nickname,lol. The nickname came from my occasional philosophical ideas and from my younger days when I enjoyed certain green pharmaceuticals,lol! I find myself to be a mix of Homer (Simpson) and Jim Morrison, at least some old friends put it that way,hahahaha!

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