Haiku for March Challenge- Nature (http://cloakedmonk.com)


As the fire ends,
An awakening sprang forth.
Children, welcome home.

Written for the March Challenge at http://cloakedmonk.com

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7


Anonymous said…
Perfect for the cycle of life created by the fire.

Paulog30 said…
Thanks hun, was thinking about a documentary called, How the Earth was made, when I saw the prompt word!
vivinfrance said…
Sometimes fire is needed for renewal of nature.
Neat haiku.
Anonymous said…
fire as in obstacles can purify so I hear but can there be any other way towards purification!!! :(

this was a thought-provoking piece for sure!!!!
The world is a phoenix.
Paulog30 said…
The Earth as we know it sprang up from the firey inferno, and what great wonders appeared!

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