Haiku for the March challenge-Exploration (http://cloakedmonk.com)

Past Universe as
We know it, ship went and searched.
Never to know the surprise.


Written for the March challenge at http://cloakedmonk.com


Anonymous said…
Curious! I love the idea of the multiverse. Many universes of time existing simultaneously. We search for it. Scientists and theologians hypothesize it. Yet we will never know the surprise of it.

Thank you for these odd thoughts of mine!
Reflections said…
Thank you for reminders of the wonder of exploring new universes, new worlds, new dimensions.
Paulog30 said…
It is always a thought on my mind, especially the other day with the Ancient Aliens Marathon! I cannot believe that there are no other beings in the vast amounts of galaxies that are known.
vivinfrance said…
What a way to go.
Anonymous said…
Space seems to be in the collective conciousness lately. Nice!
Paulog30 said…
The last frontier that still holds many mysteries we have not yet discovered entirely!
To boldly go where none have gone before. That is what makes us human.
Paulog30 said…
Thanks much!

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