Haiku for the March Challenge-Camping

Go check out March Challenge at http://www.cloakedmonk.com


Out to tame nature
Wonders hide behind the dark
The children watch you


Great Paulo. For added fun, ghost stories will insure no sleep at all.
Paulog30 said…
The camping trip I went on did not need stories, the guys I was with were animated enough and quite scary, after several beers!! Hahahahaha
No to mention the rather large fire cretaed in the middle of the camp,lol!
Anonymous said…
Oy! and the children do watch, don't they! Absorbing all the mysteries.
Paulog30 said…
Yes they do! Especially while you sleep,hahahahaha!
vivinfrance said…
You can't tame nature: those who try watch their tent blow away. Nice haiku.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic...love the children element watching the mystery!
Paulog30 said…
Nature is always a mystery, constantly changing!
Reflections said…
I always find myself just as fascinated as I was in my days of youth when it comes to nature.
Anonymous said…
Wonderful visual image with words paired with the outdoors!
Paulog30 said…
Thanks Becca, I love being in nature when I can! Beinng in the city, it can be hard sometimes, but at least there a trees and grassy areas about.

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