Haiku for the Haiku Challenge-Image10

Captured color trap
Nourish the wanderer full
Winter brings the end

Picture from Few Miles for the Haiku Challenge


Nanka said…
Enticing and capturing!! The little charmers!!
Nice one.. Your words did 100% justice to it..

Someone is Special
"Nourish the wanderer," wonderful Paulo. We tend to forget that there is a higher calling than simple existence.
Paulog30 said…
Thank you all, I always try to penetrate deeper into the heart of that which I write about. I try to bring out its true essence.
Strummed Words said…
Love the "colored trap" you see om this pink zinnia.
Paulog30 said…
Thank you much!
Anonymous said…
Absolutely lovely lifting my spirit. Thank you for sharing ~becca~

Here is mine:
Paulog30 said…
Thanks becca!
eyeography said…
"Nourish the wanderer full"...amazing :)
Paulog30 said…
Indeed, and pass on the factors of renewal!

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