Daughter's week!

I was reading the random Facebook posts earlier, and someone wrote that it is Daughter's week! Now, I am not one to follow these random celebrations, but, being a proud daddy, I will. My daughter is my world, my heart, my reason to come to this crappy job I dislike. For those of you with daughters out in blogland, give them a big hug and tell them just how much you love them. As crazy as they may drive you or as hard a time they can create, its all part of the experience! My baby can make me smile when I am blue and make me laugh at any moment! Let us all appreciate our beautiful daughters throughout our lifetimes!


Anonymous said…
awwwwwwwwwwww how sweet!!! :) HOORAY FOR DAUGHTERS! :-)
Paulog30 said…
Lol, thanks! She is my precious little one, seven going on seventeen,hahaha!

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