Gunfight at the Oh Gay Corral!

So this psycho nutjob did a real number on those poor people in Arizona; Arizona seems to be a focal point for a lot of crap (this shooting incident, the refusal to allow people with no money to receive medical care, and the immigrant roundup law). Looks like one place not even the rats want to move too,lol! And now the Gun loving republicans and Gun hating Democrats will be battling over laws to prevent any more of these problems, or more like try to prevent. This world would be better off without guns and other weapons of mass destruction; yeah maybe you may not include guns in the mass destruction catagory, but as we have seen in the world's history, that is a very accurate statement. Just think about when the early settlers to the USA introduced guns to the Native people, this gave them a better way to kill off each other faster and in larger quantity, not to mention the disease. Let's so the lovely games the politicians will be playing with this one,lol!


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