So this is Xmas

Well, the season clincher is upon us and of course, I have to say how much this day is a farce. We should be shouting, "Happy Hallmark Day!" All Christmas has turned into is a gimme-fest of greedy, present wanting little turds! We have taught our children to want more than give, and this is seen more and more in the Adults who influence them! Some adults are worse than the kids, and will through tantrums that surpass the tantrum threshold,lol! Then you have the religious nuts who think that this is really the day of Jesus's birth. There is no proof that it was,but I will tell you, if your looking for gods to celebrate, look to Dionysus, Mithra, Krishna, Osiris or the Sun itself!! Although I am an Atheist, these are the particular pagan gods that Christians took ideas from. As I believe, every religion is just a bastard child of a previous one. If you think about it, the first homo-sapiens had to find some way to explain the natural occurrences of the Earth, this personification of these things was prevalent. But, I digress. Let us enjoy just gathering with family and friends, even if you dislike them, lol, and eat good food and give simple gifts that can be truly appreciated (price tag should not matter), and enjoy giving them to see the smiles on the faces of all.


Unknown said…
Ew you used the Latin spelling. :P
Paulog30 said…
Sorry, that is the one I remembered,lol! Should be an I not a Y, right?

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