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Video Marketing Tips for Creating Videos That Convert

Video Marketing Tips for Creating Videos That Convert
Creating a personal video that not only looks great but also engages your audience and helps generate sales, is an art form. You not only have to create a great video that looks great and sounds great but you also need to get the viewer to take some form of action because of the message and engagement the video delivers. It’s often a balancing act between giving too much information and not enough information. In addition, it also matters where the video is going to be shown / placed. If it’s located on a sales page, it can be more sales focused than if it’s placed and promoted on YouTube for example. To help ensure that you create videos that convert, here are some best practices to consider.

Know Who Your Audience Is

Just as with every other piece of content that you produce, don’t suddenly change the subject matter just because you’re using a different format. Your audience is still the same one you know, so create videos for your audience and stay on topic even though it’s a new form of content creation for you.

Invest in the Right Tools

There are many tools you will need to create good videos including editing software, presentation software, a good microphone, a good video camera, and potentially a green screen and lights plus whatever other technology and tools to help you need to produce the most professional video that you can.

Never Forget Your Call to Action

If you want your audience to take an action after viewing your video, you’re going to have to tell them what to you want them to do. You can also insert, with the right software, clickable links right on the screen to take them to a sales page or other information, making the video interactive and helping with conversions.

Edit Your Videos

Don’t just spend five minutes making a video then upload it to YouTube and expect something special to happen. You need to create as professional quality videos as you can afford to produce. Remember that the more videos your create the better the quality will become and nothing is ever perfect… so create those videos, spend some time editing them and release them to your audience.

Keep It Short

Try to keep your videos short and I would suggest you keep them below the five minute mark as people lose interest in long videos, so tell your audience what they need to know, reinforce it and then call them to action.

Stick to One Topic

One of the best ways to ensure that you keep your videos a good length is to pay attention to not getting off topic. Each video should cover one aspect of a topic, and noting more, don’t seek to create an all-encompassing video but rather just cover one little portion of a particular topic, each time you create a video.

Use Visual Cues

A good way to enhance your videos is to use some sort of visual cues within the video to make it interesting. Don’t just tape yourself talking into the camera. Use something visual that gives your audience something to help them learn the concept you’re trying to teach.

Add Music and Sound Effects

In addition to nice visual cues, adding audio besides your voice with music and other sound effects can also help you retain interest of your audience. If you want them to remember a specific point, highlight it with effects.

Write a Script

You most don’t want to sound like a robot unless you are selling robots I guess, but you do want to ensure that you cover what you set out to cover, so write an outline, if not a script, to help you cover each point that you need to cover.

Practice Makes Perfect

Run through things a few times so that you can get used to how you sound, look, and feel doing video. Remember that you can make several takes, and you can edit the best takes for each section together with your editing software. And believe it or not, that feeling of being nervous in front of a camera does pass with practice.
It’s also worth pointing out that a video is not always the best channel to distribute the information you wish to share, if you content doesn’t need visual cues to get the message across, you may not want to spend the extra time necessary to make a video for that particular content piece. So your challenge is to find content that presents better in a video format 

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